Play to Earn games have been all the buzzword in recent months. These are NFT-powered games played in the metaverse, where players earn tokens when they do certain tasks. Some of these tokens are convertible to real cash on some decentralized exchanges.
Inspired by P2E games, Zoom and YouTube, MTMS Network has created what’s probably the world’s first ‘Meet to Earn’ platform.
They hope their platform will support people who share their knowledge with others, by earning rewards.
The key difference between MTMS and any traditional meeting is the blockchain economic design used to reward users for their contributions to the ecosystem. During the Covid-19 pandemic, people were requested to work and study from home.
This caused a surge in users using online meeting tools such as Zoom, Google Meets or Microsoft Teams. There weren’t any meet to earn platforms in the market but instead, there were platforms where people needed to pay to use online meeting platforms.
MTMS tokens earned by using the platform can be used in the larger MTMS eco-system.
The MTMS Network will work using WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication), enabling real-time communication directly from their web browsers.