Kryptomon Announces Release of Stage 1 P2E Game

Kryptomon stage 1

Kryptomon has announced the release of the first stage of its Play-to-Earn (P2E) game.

Set in the Kryptomon metaverse, it is an NFT game “where Pokémon meets Tamagotchi and CryptoKitties”.

Users can hatch, train, breed and sell their NFTs within the metaverse, and also participate in treasure hunts.

It has already had two successful NFT egg sales on Binance. The first sale happened in November 2021, resulting in 2,000 eggs selling out instantly. $180,000 was generated.

A second sale was held on February 8, 2022, generating $237,500 from the sale of 2,500 NFT eggs.

What Does Kryptomon Stage 1 Entail?

In Stage 1, Kryptomon players are set to receive daily loot boxes, which will contain consumables like food, bandages and training cards.

Since the NFTs are designed to be like live animals with needs, the player will use the consumables to feed and train them. This will keep them ready for Stage 2, when the full combat system is set to be released.

Kryptomons that are not taken care of will freeze, and the player will need to pay a fee to unfreeze them.

Stage 1 is already live, and trainers with at least 1 Kryptomon can start breeding their NFT eggs. Alternatively, they can sell them off at Kryptomon’s official marketplace, or any of the partnered marketplaces.

Also included in this stage is Play-to-Earn mechanics, which trainers can utilize to start earning $KMON tokens before everybody else.

What are Kryptomons?

Each Kryptomon has a unique and mutable genetic code made up of 38 randomized parameters that determine their strength in battle, their character, their learning potential, their IQ, their evolution potential, their potential for breeding, etc.

The Kryptomon NFTs are capable of learning, falling sick and getting hungry. They can even protect their trainer when out on adventures. In return, they must be trained, fed and taken care of.

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